













“Ariser’s 45km Yamanote Line Walking Tradition: A Journey of Team Bonding and Personal Growth”

 In the bustling city of Tokyo, where time seems to move at an accelerated pace, Ariser, our company, carries on a long-standing tradition of embarking on a challenging 45km walk around the iconic Yamanote Line. As a new addition to the team, I eagerly embraced this opportunity to test my limits, both physically and mentally. Little did I know that this extraordinary adventure would not only strengthen bonds with my colleagues but also provide valuable insights into leadership and personal growth.

 On the 16th of June, a day initially predicted to be cloudy, the sun decided to grace us with its presence, casting its warm rays upon our journey. The excitement in the air was palpable as we gathered at Tokyo Station, ready to embark on our ambitious feat. While the tradition of the Yamanote Line walk participation is not mandatory, I yearned for a personal challenge, and this arduous trek seemed like the perfect opportunity.

 At 7:30 am, our group set off, a mix of anticipation and camaraderie guiding our steps. The initial kilometers passed relatively smoothly, with lively conversations and shared laughter easing the strain on our bodies. As we progressed, however, the toll of the journey started to reveal itself. My head throbbed, and my legs grew heavy, testing my determination with each step. The last stretch of the walk became a true test of willpower and inner strength.

 During our journey, we paused for a much-needed respite at Meiji Jingu Mae Station, surrounded by the serene beauty of a nearby park. In this oasis of calm, we indulged in a simple yet satisfying lunch, feasting on sandwiches and sipping steaming cups of coffee. This brief intermission provided a valuable moment for reflection, reminding us of the importance of fortitude and perseverance, even in the face of physical and mental fatigue.

 What struck me most profoundly during this extraordinary adventure was the sight of our esteemed CEO, an elder gentleman, effortlessly maneuvering the path. Despite his apparent ease, he confided in us later that the walk was indeed challenging and painful. Witnessing his quiet determination and unwavering resolve served as a powerful lesson in leadership. It dawned on me that true leaders lead by example, overcoming personal obstacles without complaint, and inspiring those around them to push their own boundaries.

 As the sweat poured down my face, staining my shirt with the marks of my physical exertion, I found myself profoundly changed. Pushing through the last kilometers, I realized the importance of perseverance and the satisfaction that comes from not giving up. Even in the face of adversity, the taste of success is infinitely sweeter when we refuse to retire from a challenge.

 Finally, we arrived at our ultimate destination, Tokyo Station, a sense of accomplishment coursing through our veins. Eager to celebrate our triumph, we treated ourselves to a well-deserved feast of shabu-shabu and refreshing drinks. Laughter, stories, and a shared sense of achievement permeated the air as we relished in the bonds forged during this remarkable journey.

 Through this unforgettable experience, I came to understand that growth often emerges from stepping outside our comfort zones, embarking on journeys that test our mettle. The Yamanote Line walk became a catalyst for personal and professional growth, teaching me invaluable lessons about determination, leadership, and the strength of unity. As I look back on this adventure, I realize that the path to success is often challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable.

 TheYamanote Line walk with my Ariser colleagues will forever hold a special place in my heart. It served as a testament to the resilience and strength that exists within each of us, and the power of camaraderie in overcoming obstacles. As we bid farewell to the day, filled with newfound insights and a sense of accomplishment, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be part of such an incredible tradition at Ariser.
